当前位置:首页>软件下载>系统工具>卸载工具 Wise Program Uninstaller v2.34 官方中文免费版

卸载工具 Wise Program Uninstaller v2.34 官方中文免费版

Wise Program Uninstaller 是 Wise 公司开发的一款免费的程序卸载软件,它可以帮助您卸载不需要的程序或强制卸载无法通过Windows或其他程序卸载的程序。此外,它还可以删除令你感到疯狂软件卸载残留的条目。Wise Program Uninstaller 在卸载不需要的程序后,可以自动检测搜索更多的残留项目,并可以更彻底地删除已卸载程序的剩余条目。这一点已经通过与Windows和其他类似程序的比较来验证。有些时候,一些顽固的程序无法通过常规卸载或安全卸载的方法被移除。但 Wise Program Uninstaller 的强制卸载功能可以让您轻松快乐地卸载它们。

确保清洁和彻底地软件卸载:Wise Program Uninstaller 是卸载 Windows 软件的完美解决方案,让您可以使用简单和用户友好的界面,完整地卸载程序。内置扫描引擎将在卸载后扫描并删除所有残留的文件、文件夹和注册表项,确保软件已从计算机中完全删除。

强制卸载可以删除任何顽固的软件:对于一些顽固的软件,它们无法通过常规方式卸载。Wise Program Uninstaller 的“强制卸载”选项派上了用场。它会扫描您的系统所有与此软件相关联的文件和注册表,并彻底删除它们,就像您从未安装此软件一样。

找到您想要快速卸载的软件:具有直观和现代化的界面,Wise Program Uninstaller 还允许您根据名称、大小、日期和查看方式来组织应用程序,以便快速找到要卸载的软件。或者您可以输入名称以立即找到该软件。

右键菜单选项使软件卸载更有效率:您可以在设置中的上下文菜单中添加“使用 Wise Program Uninstaller 卸载程序”选项,然后可以右键单击其图标卸载软件,在不打开 Wise Program Uninstaller 的情况下卸载软件。

完全免费,兼容几乎所有版本的Windows:Wise Program Uninstaller 是免费软件,可以完全卸载系统上安装的程序(64和32位)。它经过开发并经过充分测试,在Windows10 以及其他 Windows 操作系统上运行,包括 Windows XP 和更高版本。不管是台式电脑还是笔记本电脑都完全兼容。

卸载工具 Wise Program Uninstaller v2.34 官方中文免费版

Wise Program Uninstaller

Free Software/Program Uninstaller

No need to install it. You can use this small and clean tool to remove software from your PC.

Ensures Clean and Thorough Software Uninstalling

Wise Program Uninstaller is the perfect solution for uninstalling Windows software, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and user-friendly interface. The built-in scan engine will scan and delete all the left associated files, folders and registry items after the de-installation, making sure the software is completely removed from your computer.

Forced Uninstall removes any stubborn software

For some stubborn software or software with a broken uninstaller, they can’t be uninstalled by conventional means. The ‘Forced Uninstall’ option of Wise Program comes in handy. It scans your system for all the files and registries, that are associated with this software and deletes them thoroughly, just like you have never installed the software.

Finds the Software You Want to Uninstall Fast

Featuring an intuitive and modern interface, Wise Program Uninstaller also allows you to organize applications according to name, size, date and review to find the software you want to uninstall very fast. Or you can type in the name to find the software right away.

Context Menu Option makes software Uninstall more efficient

You can add ‘Uninstall with Wise Program Uninstaller’ option to context menu in settings, then you can uninstall software by right-clicking its icon without opening Wise Program Uninstaller.

Completely Free and Perfectly Compatible with Almost All Windows Versions

Wise Program Uninstaller is freeware that allows you to completely uninstall programs (64 and 32-bit) installed on your system. It has been developed and fully tested to work great on Windows 10 and other Windows operating systems, from Windows XP and up. No matter what you own – a desktop or a laptop.

Home Page: https://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-program-uninstaller.html



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